Premium for districts

NoRedInk Premium simplifies the process of building strong writers and critical thinkers. Districts across the country use our award-winning writing platform to increase student achievement, ensure high-quality, consistent, standards-aligned instruction, and maximize the return on their investment in core ELA curriculum.

Among several data-rich features of NoRedInk, school and district admins can view student growth across a range of grade- and standard-aligned topics, and have access to a dashboard of charts and statuses.
    • Leverage standards-aligned benchmark assessments to understand where students are and deliver targeted support.

    • Understand how teachers are using NoRedInk Premium to build student skills and writing fluency with dynamic usage reports.

    • Centralize the collection of student writing in curatable Writing Portfolios that follow students as they progress from year to year

      • Cover key standards using exercises for 1,000+ skills, 1,000s of texts and prompts, and guided writing practice for 10+ genres.

      • Ace ELA test prep with released prompts and rubrics from the ACT®, the SAT®, the AP® English exams, state tests, and more.

      • Gauge test readiness at the classroom, building, and district levels through intuitive, assessment-based progress reports.

Results of a Growth Quiz show the previous class average score and the new class average score. Individual student past and new scores are shown grouped by proficiency level, with options to assign practice to students with lower new scores.

WestEd found that “NoRedInk performance is a robust predictor of end-of-year language growth” regardless of race, gender, grade, and baseline MAP® score. Learn more about WestEd’s findings.

District Administrator Paige Whitlock standing under a tree
Keri Bell

Unparalleled student engagement

NoRedInk engages students in a way that other learning platforms don’t. Our students are actually learning by doing, and teachers are able to spend more time working with individuals and small groups.

Keri Bell, Director of Literacy Programs, Harmony Public Schools

Students enter writing in a scaffolded structure, with separate labeled text boxes for their Title, Introduction, Body paragraphs, and Conclusion. While they write, a sidebar provides tutorials, tips, and examples.
    • Delight students with exercises that incorporate their individual interests, including their favorite celebrities, characters, and pets.

    • Demystify the writing cycle with scaffolded activities that break writing down into understandable, approachable steps.

    • Provide students with more frequent, effective feedback with the support of an AI-powered Grading Assistant.

      • Collaborate with a Customer Success team that will serve as a genuine thought partner as you set goals and monitor progress.

      • Ensure teachers understand how to implement NoRedInk Premium with fidelity with live PD sessions led by experienced educators.

      • Partner with NoRedInk curriculum experts on alignment guides that integrate NoRedInk Premium with your core ELA curriculum.

Sample NoRedInk alignment guide

Use NoRedInk Premium with . . .

  • Logo of Canvas platform
  • Logo of ClassLink platform
  • Logo of Google Classroom
  • Logo of Infinite Campus Platform
  • Logo of Schoology platform